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Good for Resistors, Caps & LED


Category A - Passive Parts

Resistors use the calculator
(HV) Capacitors use the calculator
LED use the calculator
Potentiometers $1 per unit
Diode ???


Pin headers $0.50 per 40 pins header
1/8 inch male connector $3.00
1/8 inch female connector $3.00
9V battery connectors $0.25
DPDT switch $1.50

Category B - Modules

L298 Motor Driver, 2A (2 dc motors or 1 stepper) $5.00
Arduino Nano $7.00
Arduino Uno $10.00
5V Relay Board $3.50
ESP32 Board $20
DPDT switch $1.50
Boost Converter (5pc.) 2.00
Buck Converter $2.00
DC Brush Motor $5.00
Servo $8.00

Category C - Sensors

Ultrasonic Distance Sensor $3.00
Barometric Altimeter $5.00
Microphone $2.00
Photoresistor $2.00
Gyro & Accelerometer Board $6.50
DHT11 Humidity and Temp Sensor $6.50
Thermistor $6.50

Category D - LED & Display

2x16 LCD Screen (i2c) $8.00
128x32 OLED Screen (i2c) $10.00
LED Matrix w/ Driver/th> $10.00
7-Segment Display $2.50

Category E - Integrated Circuits

Shift Register (74HC595) $1.50
ATtiny85 $3.50
7805 Regulators (10pc) $3.50
555 Timer ???
OpAmp LM324 ???
Comparator LM339 ???

Category F - Basic Tools

Alligator Clips $1.00
Snips $10.00
Breadboard (Half Size) $5.00
Breadboard (Full Size) $10.00
Jumper Wires (MM, FF, MF) $0.5 for 5
Perf Boards (multiple sizes) $1.00